This brain
That brain
Floating mesh above the rest
Giving life to all that breathes
Modulating, correcting, calculating
What can this behemoth not behold?
Many things, in fact
Don't forget your living and being in the world
You are not just a floating head
We are humans, connected
Breathing, sweating, grasping, bleeding
Communication within us, between us
Keeps us going
Keeps us real
Keeps the universe spinning
Because without us,
It would still spin
Or would it?
Do you ever stop to ask
That mighty night sky?
Or do you become too stuck in that train of thought
That ever dangerous thought of train
That shrieks louder than the steam engine
and moves faster than light?
Escape whatever that is inside
And live for you
Live for others
Live for life
Live to give back
and live to be thankful
With your head held high
Free from the train track
One with the freight of the universe
One with your neighbor
One with yourself
Give back the energy
That you are loved with
The world needs you
Because the world needs love.