Today, we live in a world of the nearly entirely technological, a world which exists almost solely on an impersonal level. The media appeals to the masses, a substitute for the truth in actuality, an abstract construct which subtly influences the minds of each and every human being attached in some way, shape or form to society. In this society, this mass media, the core of the human being is lost, or at least eludes most. I believe the core of the human being to be love and relation, relations which stretch from family love to friendly love and even all the way to love of all things natural. This love, though, the very core of being itself, becomes lost in the business of everyday life and the sheath which the mass media creates over human nature itself.
The problem lies not entirely in the entity performing the blinding, though, it additionally lies in those who are rendered blind by the issue. For these individuals are not entirely blinded but choose to be blinded, choose to ignore blatant issues at hand. They try not to see through the masks of politics and the media but embrace those masks as the truth. In this very acceptance of falsehood, the ignorant and continually ignoring human denies real issues at hand in the world today, those of poverty, lack of love and what I would call subservient approval of the masses.
There are those who choose to act and those who choose not to act. I will do everything in my power to enlighten those humans dethroned by the false head of the American media. I, proudly, am an actor (or so I like to think). Put away your cell phone, get off your computer (as I write this on a computer...), set aside your work and forget about fashion. Love your fellow individual – love all.
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