On religion: Its all the same light reflected off a different wall.
“All religions, all this singing, one song. The differences are just illusion and vanity. Sunlight looks slightly different on this wall than it does on that wall and a lot different on this other one, but it is still one light.”
Hi from your cousin Carol! I searched for you on FB and clicked the link to this site... what a wonderful surprise that you have connected to oneness at such a young age. But then many of you young'uns have been exposed to this concept early in life. Not so for my generation. I was around 50 when I discovered my spirit self. The book "Mutant Message from Down Under" is what opened me up to the "otherness". It's quite a journey when one becomes aware of their essence. I know I am not my body, everything is energy, we are star stuff and all connceted.
Rumi is one of my favorites. The writings of the Sufi masters are so emotional to me, I can feel thier words.
Will sign off now, big hug...8-)
Thank you very much cousin Carol! Glad to see you stumbled upon my blog. I'll have to check that book out - sounds extremely interesting. I love Rumi as well, hes pretty much the classic Sufi poet that most know. Al-ghazali and Ruzbihan Baqli are two other Sufis with great writings and ideas.
Hug right back at you :)
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