Phew. I really haven't posted in a while - a while being an entire college semester. Though I now post with less frequency, I'd like to think that my posts have come a long way from a few years ago, when I would post little content just for the sake of getting something up on the blog. I think I finally realized that I write on this blog for myself, not to supply a content hungry audience with empty banter (though I do really appreciate the few of you that check this out from time to time!). Anyway, enough about my lack of content. Being home has reminded me of the beauty of solitude and quiet, a solitude infrequently found amongst the Vassar College campus (as beautiful as that wonderful place is). My friend Rob recently reminded me of my past love for poetry, a love he ignited with his reminder.

So, On Solitude
I stood there waiting
Waiting not for a what
But who
Who stood there with me
Out upon this black, empty space?
The only guidance
Two thin yellow lines
Straight, forever
Was this my destiny?
I seemed to think so
My body so content
Peaceful, almost
A light descended upon my face
I slowly looked
Ah, simply the moon
A light descended upon my chest
Ah, simply a car
A light descended upon my being
Ah, simply God
What is simply, who is simply, why is simply?
Implying ineptitude
Denying beauty
This is not simple
This is truth
I stepped aside from the car
A sage
In a suburban wasteland
All because of simply?
Well, my friend
Simplicity is truth.
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