I wrote this back in January (the 28th, 2008) - figured I would get it up here since I have a Theology paper to write for school right now.
Well, on this particular night, being blessed with an uncharacteristically low amount of homework, I decided to simply write and write free. A lot of things have been going through my head lately and I just feel like I have to get them off my chest, or at least put them into writing. Each of the following subjects share no connectivity whatsoever, so any attempt of associating each is pointless.
If you feel like reading, go right ahead. If not, thats fine too, simply ignore this blurb and go on with your life.
-The Concerns of Others-
When you're walking around school, following the crowd, doing your thing, whatever you do...do you ever think about others? Kids get picked on all the time, maybe by you, or your friends. You never step up. Thats not cool to do. Hell, I probably don't even do that most of the time. I should, but I don't. But just stop and think for a second on how deeply hurt that given person may be. Try and talk to them, get to know them, help them out. It may not only be at school, but problems at home or with something else.
Even your best friend(s) may be experiencing problems that you don't know about. They may seem extremely radiant, happy, or outgoing to you, yet scarred internally, wishing someone, anyone, would ask or care about their issues. Alcoholism, abuse, it all happens, yet is never revealed. Obviously, don't attempt to dig too deep or stick yourself where unnecessary. Just care. You will be surprised at how many hidden vehement quandaries exist within the mind of the most seemingly content individuals.
What is the point of school? This question is asked by one and all students around the entire globe. And of course, the answer given by the student is that the system is unnecessary; whilst the opposing force [teachers, parents, whatever] proposes that school is a key cog in establishing a foundation for future job opportunities. I, however, propose a compromise between the two. School is most certainly necessary as to establishing primary education and the basics.
However, homework would be almost entirely eliminated in this system, or at least a strict designation of which classes were allowed to give homework on each given night. The overload of homework upon a student on some nights is ridiculous. A 15 or 16 year old teenager staying up until 3 AM in order to maintain a "B+" in Biology is simply outrageous and detrimental to overall development.
Another thing which would be altered within my ideal educational system would be the start of the day. It has been scientifically proven that teenagers need more sleep and tend to stay up later, and thus the school day should follow this pattern. Of course it doesn't, resulting in students falling asleep in school and the like.
Music is such a remedy for the mind within a life which can bring much confusion or anger to oneself. If you do not listen to it or enjoy it, you should really sit down one day and just take a little time to appreciate how amazing it really is. Even with myself, though I love music in its entirety, don't find myself liking a particular song until the 4th or 5th time I listen. Even entire genres can act this way, as I discovered once I enjoyed a select few hip-hop melodies. Put yourself out there and just listen. Only good can become of it.
Secondly, there is no "good" or "bad" music, just preference within the mind of an individual. This is most likely influenced by the types of beats exposed to as a youngster, or those listened by one's close associations. Try and broaden your horizons at every chance possible. Listen to everything thats out there and you will be surprised at what you take a liking to.
This is not a cheesy, ooey-gooey diatribe on love but rather a reflection of what it truly is and feels like (based on my experiences and depth of knowledge, anyway). This is referring to male to female relationship love, and not friend or family love (though this form of love also exists as completely amazing and legitimate).
True love, I would say, is not based on convenience or pure physical attraction, but an unreeling commitment to the partner. You must be willing to dedicate completely to your partner, willing to do anything in your power to protect them, aid them, or respect them in every single facet of life which confronts each of you. A complete and mutual allegiance to one another is necessary for a relationship which will be long lasting and positive for both parties involved (hopefully eventually resulting in marriage).
Love can be experienced in a number of ways. It can be physical, personality linked, amongst other things. A full combination of factors must be present in order for uninterrupted love to exist. Sure, the occasional conflict will arise. But, if there is actual love present, these will not matter in the least when all is said and done. Each person involved in the relationship will move on and be content within the very near future (not including severe conflicts, such as cheating).
Once you discover true love, the feeling will be that which has been completely absent previously and generally foreign. I believe I have found this feeling currently, and share it with Bianca Carolyn Angolano, the most amazing person I have ever met. You know love is there when you can just look into your partners eyes and smile for hours on end, or just talk forever about the most random yet amusing things...even if it means being on the phone at a legitimately late 3 AM. You love everything about the person, and they love everything about you. Flaws are overlooked...you realize things about yourself which had not previously occurred to you. The introvert becomes the extrovert.
In short:
Care. Educate. Listen. Love.
I hope you found this unnecessary over-analyzing of spontaneously occurring thoughts useful.
Looking back, it seems like this was rushed and poorly written, but its something, right? Some of my views have changed since then.
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