Poor Soul who had to deal with my rambling (9:20:35 PM) : Yo man, sweet quote.
Auto Response from irugee (9:20:35 PM) :
"We are so obsessed with doing that we have no time and no imagination left for being. As a result, men are valued not for what they are but for what they do or what they have—for their usefulness."
-My boy Thomas Merton.
Auto Response from irugee
"We are so obsessed with doing that we have no time and no imagination left for being. As a result, men are valued not for what they are but for what they do or what they have—for their usefulness."
-My boy Thomas Merton.
Poor Soul (9:20:51 PM) : I like to be.
Poor Soul (9:20:55 PM) : I like being a lot.
irugee (9:21:28 PM) : haha thanks man! being is quite awesome i have to say. damn you would have been an awesome addition to my theology class like we were saying a while back, we talked about being all the time.
Poor Soul (9:21:41 PM) : That's awesome.
Poor Soul (9:22:08 PM) : and eating animals right? cause they're not self aware. they don't get "be" so they must be munched on!
Poor Soul (9:24:28 PM) : I'm still for the theory that we're all victim to chemical reactions, and that fate is more of an equation then a destiny.
irugee (9:26:46 PM) : really? im not sure that i believe in fate...though that may be myself being insecure and not wanting to give up "control" of my life. a part of me wants to say i dont believe in it though. like, aside from the ultimate fate of earthly death. (that sounds so gloomy but idk what else to really say)
irugee (9:29:01 PM) : i wouldnt say that we are victim to chemical reactions though , like iwould say that some of our realm is biological but there is also a metaphysical element (for me, being a Christian, it being God)
irugee (9:29:10 PM) : i apologize for going all philosophical on yo ass
Poor Soul (9:29:24 PM) : nah man, i go philosophical on my own ass.
Poor Soul (9:30:00 PM) : And i totally get what your saying, i just think because we can explain emotions and thoughts and feelings through science, that there's really no room for anything metaphysical.
irugee (9:37:29 PM) : thats where i would disagree, i dont believe we can explain the totality of those things through science (though science is, i agree, an extremely helpful tool in understanding those things. the thing some dont understand that it is a tool, its authority is so great that some no longer realize its only a tool for understanding the purely physical. the biggest authorities are shrouded by the fact that one cannot even realize the totality of the authority due to its large sphere of influence) . anyway as iwas saying haha , the totality of those things i cannot believe be explained through science because, well, who are you? who am i? is there a mini me inside of me which i can pinpoint and declare with certainty : this is I, this is me, and nothing else, i know with certainty that this entity is the reason for my consciousness? i dont believe we can pinpoint this "bedrock" of existence to any one physical portion of the self, pointing towards something higher, or at the least, the inadequacy of science to explain the fullness of the world. truth has become "fact" instead of truth, the power comes in the fact or that which can be realized in the sole realm of the empirical. in fact science(if the only pure authority present in the world) basically works off the premise that the only "real" things in the world are derived from the emperical, the only true things can be verified from the emperical. the only thing is...that very premise cannot be verified by the emperical and thus contradicts itself, rendering science as the purely one and only authority null. though as i said i believe it to be an extremely amazing tool for understanding the world. espceially when it comes tosaving lives/medicine, things like that. holy crap, long as hell.
Poor Soul (9:40:22 PM) : so wait, your beef is the whole "i am me" thing?
Poor Soul (9:40:26 PM) : super short version.
irugee (9:42:13 PM) : well, kind of, not really. thats kind of a main example i used to show that, at least right now, science cannot purely be used to explain neuroscience/psychology/cognitive science and the links between being/consciousness and the chemical workings of the brain. my main beef i would say would be the use of science as the only authority in todays world, basically the only truth. and the fact that , if science is the only authority...it contradicts itself.
Poor Soul (9:43:27 PM) : i, um, wiv,. ,va;nureigeh;gfadsaah fuiew. my head is like 4 hrs behind my body right now.
Poor Soul (9:43:55 PM) : How does science being the only truth contradict itself now?
Poor Soul (9:44:06 PM) : and don't use the word emperical unless you by me a dictionary.
irugee (9:44:56 PM) : hahah thats fine dude, i apologize for kinda going out of control . its just stuff like this i get really into, in fact i plan to major in cog sci/neurosci in college to try to better understand the links between the chemical brain and the consciousness of being. and ooo emperical means "based on the five senses"
irugee (9:45:24 PM) : so like, anything you can experience physically through the five senses
irugee (9:46:08 PM) : so what im saying is
irugee (9:46:51 PM) : if science becomes the only authority, it says this: The only things that are true are those things with a basis/proof/experience through the five senses.
irugee (9:47:51 PM) : Im saying that if that is the premise, it contradicts itself, because the premise itself holds no basis whatsoever in the realm of the five senses, thus contradicting exactly what it attempted to establish
irugee (9:56:10 PM) : haha sorry if i seem like im trying to go over your head or wahtever, i just get really into this stuff
I figured I would post this just to show that well, I'm kind of really into religion/science and that sort of thing. I actually do talk to people normally, I swear...
Poor Soul (10:14:44 PM) : sorry, my mom was reading my paper.
irugee (10:15:12 PM) : no problemo at all
Poor Soul (10:15:12 PM) : But nah it's cool. i feel like if i better understood what you were saying i might be willing to debate, but i'm all kinds of confused.
Poor Soul (10:15:20 PM) : That's neat that you want to major in it though.
The response from Anonymous "Poor Soul who had to deal with my rambling:"
I think science can explain the totality of things like emotions and feelings because i think it's way more then a tool, i think it can explain everything in one way or another. cause i don't believe the concepts of "who am i? who are you" are in fact anything at all. there's no physical part that i can declare with certainty is "me" because despite our man made definition of me being a person, i don't feel as if i'm anything more then a bunch of atoms. even thinking "who am I?" is just a function of the brain which is a science based control station. i think we have a desire to find an answer to who we are, but the truth is we can't nor ever will, and we use what i would call tools like god or religion to try to explain things that we don't yet understand, or can't be understood because they're not real. so i believe that if those thoughts can exist because our brain has they physical ability to generate them, but i don't feel as if they have any answer and saying it's something higher is just away to justify something that can't be disproved because there is no answer to those thoughts. Basically i've come to terms with the fact that i'm just, when broken down, atoms. i'm not a being in a world with a higher authority, i'm just a bunch of molecules. and philosophy is just overcomplicated that simple idea.
haha the ian/ian debates. i'm going to keep from commenting on the actual issue at hand though...by a massive force of will
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