Monday, May 17, 2010

God, Allah, That Thing Up in the Sky, or any of the other 97 names that may be applicable

"Allah is too big, and too open, for my Islam to be small and closed."

-Jehangir Tabiri, a young Muslim punk from Michael Muhammad Knight's eye-opening novel, The Taqwacores.

Just a short but profound quote to think about, for individuals of all religions (and even no religion).

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Impossible

Just a little tidbit for thought in the wee hours of the morning:

I have oft heard, especially since coming to college, the saying "you can sleep when you're dead." This, of course, implies that sleep is a waste of time - you should live your life to the fullest by taking advantage of all the time you have. But what about dreams? The excitement, imagination and exploration that occurs in dreams seldom enters the real world.

So, aside from the obvious health benefits, I'm not so sure I would live by this statement.

Just sayin'. Carpe Diem.